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6 Tips to Prevent Athletic Injuries

prevent athletic injuries

If you’re an athlete, you’ve probably suffered an injury. Even the most minor sprains and strains can put you out of commission for weeks. As a result, you’re left feeling like you’ve got to start all over again.

If you’re not an athlete yet, there’s a good chance that you’re resolving to become more healthy during the new year. Health and fitness goals account for the majority of New Year’s resolutions.

There are ways you can prevent injury during athletic activity. Whether you’re a basketball player, a runner or a weight lifter, following a few simple steps prior to exercise can help to keep you safe and feeling your best.

Some of these steps you’ll take weeks in advance of starting and exercise routine. Others you’ll do the day of, or during, exercise. Ready to start working out safely? Read on for tips to keep you at your best!

1. Always, always consult a physician

Exercise is good for you. Except when it isn’t. There are some cases in which exercise may not be beneficial to your health. For example, if you’re extremely overweight, exercise is more likely to cause injury. If you suffer from heart conditions, exercise can be dangerous.

Always seek the advice of a doctor before you begin an exercise routine. As they say, prevention is the best medicine. Of course, if you’re already visiting the doctor regularly, he or she has probably given you insight as to what activity might work for you. Double check before you begin working out.

2. Establish good habits

Think about it. Will you run a faster mile on 5 hours’ sleep or on 8? Will you lift more weight after a breakfast of Pop Tarts or a breakfast of oatmeal and eggs?

The things you do in your daily life will greatly impact your health, and will help prevent injury. Lifting weights on a sleep deficit isn’t only completely “un-fun,” but it’s also extremely dangerous.

Try to establish good routines in your everyday schedule, and you’ll see that you’re better able to focus on your exercise goals.

3. Use the right gear

Alright, it’s time to get into the specifics of how to prevent athletic injuries. One of the most effective ways to ensure that you stay safe during a workout is to also ensure that you’re using the right equipment.

Runners (and everyone), wear the right shoes. The wrong shoes will not only lead to blisters and calluses, but can also cause your feet to twist and do more serious damage.

Weight lifters, be sure that you’re wearing those gloves! Football players, you know the drill. You’ll want to wear that padding and helmet every single game. 

No matter your sport, there’s gear for it. Always wear the right gear for your sport and your body.

4. Stretch!

Stretching not only helps to prevent sports injuries, but it’s been shown to have benefits later in life, too. Studies have proven that a regular stretching routine can increase flexibility in your hips and your hamstrings. (Those are the muscles in the upper back of your legs.)

But stretching before you exercise will help to prevent muscle tearing, and you’ll notice that you’re less sore after workouts. There’s a right way and a wrong way to stretch, so follow these tips:

1. You don’t have to hold a stretch, but you can if you like. There’s no harm in it.

2. Experts disagree on whether bouncing in a stretch will tear your muscles. Most think they’d rather be safe than sorry, and they avoid bouncing.

3. Be sure to stretch all your major muscle groups. Your legs, arms, back… all of it!

4. Stretch fully, but don’t stretch until it hurts. Your stretch should feel good, almost like how a massage should feel.

5. Eat before you work out – but not too much. 

Have you ever heard that you should wait an hour to swim after eating? Well, that’s only partially true. If it’s the 4th of July and you’ve just pounded down three burgers, four hot dogs and six beers, then yes. It’s best to wait.

But for everyone else, there’s nothing wrong with eating a bit before you exercise. In fact, it can be beneficial to you. You’ve just got to know what to eat.

Research has shown that it’s okay to eat about 45 grams of carbohydrates before you work out, along with a bit of protein. You could try a slice of bread with tuna, or you could have a small smoothie made with yogurt. Maybe you’d prefer fruit and cottage cheese. You get the idea.

It’s okay to eat a little bit before you work out, but eating too much may cause cramping. This is not only very painful, but it’s also dangerous, particularly in the case of swimmers.

6. Wear compression gear

I’ve talked a lot about compression gear over the past few months. That’s because I really believe that it works – I’ve used it myself and I’ve read the studies. Compression socks and sleeves can do wonders for your workout, and can also help you prevent athletic injuries.

Compression gear is just what it sounds like. It’s made of rubber threads which are tight against your skin. The pressure is “tapered,” for example you’ll find that compression stockings are tighter at your feet than your knees.

What this does is keep your circulatory system moving. Your blood will be “pushed” up to your heart for much needed oxygen. Blood will also not pool in your feet. This can help prevent swelling.

Compression socks and sleeves are also great for recovery. If you’re experiencing muscle soreness after a workout, try wearing compression socks. They’ve been shown to allow a quicker recovery time. Just be sure to take them off before bed.

Working out is a great New Year’s resolution. So great, in fact, that almost everyone has it. But suffering an exercise-induced injury set you back days, even weeks. Taking the right steps to prevent injury will help you reach your New Year’s goal faster!

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